Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Trumpet Awards: the best award show you've never heard of.

I kid you not.

I guarantee you that if you are reading this, you are one of the thousands if not millions of people who have never heard of the Trumpet Awards. This is an award show thatacknowledges the accomplishments of men and women who have significantly contributed to enhancing the quality of life for all. If you click on the hypertext you can see the website for the Trumpet Foundation.

Anyways, really great awards program. But it is so overrated. It was taped in January but they showed it just this past Sunday on TVOne. It is absolutely the most important and well-done awards show that you probably have never seen or even heard of. Important because you get to see African Americans honored for things other than entertainment and sports. Well done because, unlike other Black awards shows (Source Awards come to mind) it was so classy and professional.

The Trumpet awards philanthropists, scientists, businessmen, actors, singers, artists, etc. There is a focus, however on those figures who do good in the community and not just do their respective trades well. I think too often African-Americans are awarded for their talents and not enough for their work int he community, and that's unfortunate. That's why the Trumpet Awards needs more publicity.

In addition, why is this showing on TVOne and not BET?

but that is a WHOLE 'notha topic.

Before I wrap this up, check out Concrete Loop for pics from the event.

Obi, this one is for you.

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