Monday, July 10, 2006

Dave Chapelle, bitches

I saw the first installment of the Dave Chapelle Lost Episodes last night and I have to say that I'm a little disappointed. I mean some parts were rather funny (the first skit, the tupac jumpoff, were both standouts), but i thought it was going to be way better than that.

I also felt a little torn about watching it. I mean, these were the episodes dave didn't want aired and what ultimately led him to walk away from a 50 million dollar contract and flee to Africa. There are only three episodes, and I simply don't really like the idea of watching an unfinished product. I mean think about it. Would you want to look at an unfinished DaVinci painting? If Ralph Ellison was alive, do you REALLY think he would have published an unfinished Juneteenth? I highly doubt it. That would be doin a half assed job, and, as my dad would put it, "actin like a cat crappin in the corner."

I also think they should have had just Charlie Murphy as the host of the show if dave wasn't going to be on there. But oh well. Ashy Larry was aight I guess.

What I'm really looking forward to is Dave Chappelle being interviewed on Anderson Cooper tonight. That should be pretty interesting as Anderson likes to play hardball. He's pretty gangsta considering that his mom designed pantyhose for a living.

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