Wednesday, July 05, 2006

ad [sic] insult to injury.

Right above is the newest ad for the PSP white.

I really don't know what to say about it. other than the fact that I think it's racist and in very poor taste. peep how the black model is dressed like a british servant. i can't get with that. there are other ads in the series but this one is getting the most press.

i don't know what i hate more about it, the fact that these are women depicted (the ad seems also sexist to me) or the fact that they have a black person under submission (again).

this, i am sure, brings a whole new meaning to "ignorant art". i just think wow. so that's what they think of us.

just an atrocious ad. and to make it even worse, those bastards at sony are talking about how it wasn't racist and that there was "no other meaning" to the ads:

how could they even say that? I'm in PR, which is close to advertising, but not really. but in either field, you have to be smart enough to know when messages have these types of social implications to them.



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