Tuesday, April 10, 2007

the ONLY Don Imus post that matters.

So as most of you know, Don Imus came under fire for his calling the Rutgers Women's Basketball team "nappy headed ho's" among other things (Click here if you have been living under a rock).

He's gotten a lot of flack for the comments...being called a racist, being called a sexist, and recently being taken off the air for two weeks.

Do I think he should be fired? absolutely not. I don't think they were meant to be hateful comments. I do think they were inappropriate, and probably offensive, but I also think this brings up the same type of issue the Michael Richards n-bomb fiasco brings up, and that is this: maybe we, Black people, need to stop calling our women hoes.

I realize that not using the N-word--even if it ends in an 'a'--won't change the racist attitudes of some white people--but it bothers me that when a black man calls a black woman a hoe we look the other way, but let a white man say the same thing to a black woman and it's a travesty.

Tell me, why do we hold white people to a higher standard than we hold ourselves?

I'm not really even talking about the references to bitches and hoes in hip hop--i think that's talked about enough--but this is about every day references to black women as hoes.

Just the other day one of my male friends said he doesn't buy drinks for "hoes in the club"

i've heard "there were some fine hoes there"

"this hoe jus rolled up on me"

and I'm sure there is a black man out there callin his sister/wife/girlfriend/jumpoff etc. a "nappy headed-hoe."

The point is, before we get on a white shock jock's case for degrading our women, maybe we need to check ourselves first.

And that is ALL I am going to say about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also, just because people in the black community say it doesn't mean it isn't racist! Inner-racism happens ALL THE TIME in our community. But even more, it is only a racist comment because of the "Nappy-headed." Had it just been "Ho," it would have been sexist. Yes, people within our community should NOT be calling our women "Hos," but that should hold no validity in Imus' case. He was wrong, regardless, and if I had heard a black person say it, I would be as equally offended.